Thorpe River Falchion

310.00 CAD


Based on the Thrope river falchion, simplified version.  Specifically designed to endure extreme stresses and abuse of full contact medieval armored combat, it is a perfect choice for a fighter with good grappling and striking techniques. This falchion is greatly suited for Team battles. Comparatively short blade allows to perform more complicated throws without getting tied up with opponent, this allows to preform cleaner throws, maintaining dominating position for further strikes.

Pros: Balanced for a hard hits without much loss to a quick work, great for  Team battles..
Cons: Due to the shorter blade, suited better for a person with good grappling techniques.
Period when used: 13c-15c
Location: Europe
Weight: 1400-1600gr
Total Length: 85.5-90cm
Thickness of the blade: 5-3mm
Handle material: Fabric
Blade material: High Aloy Steel
Width of guard: 12.5 mm 5″
Meets standards of: IMCF, BI


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Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 90 × 18 × 10 cm


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